About us
It’s hard to believe, but a tub of ice-cream was the inspiration behind WeWin4u. 6 tubs, in fact. I had entered a Valentines Day competition in The Independent with my husband to discover whether we were a perfect match or not (we were!) and we were fortunate enough to win half a dozen tubs of delicious Hill Station ice-cream. It was the first internet competition I had ever entered and I had won! Spurred on by this I started entering every competition I could find. I discovered there were plenty of websites that would help you find the competitions, and I was soon entering about 100 each week. However, the other thing I discovered is that it was taking ages, and I was hardly seeing my perfectly matched husband because I was stuck in front of the computer all day.

Hubby works with computers, so I suggested to him it would be handy if I could enter my details just once and have the computer do the rest of the work, as there must be loads of people in the same position as me. I want to have a chance of winning, but I don’t want to spend my life filling in forms. We did some research and discovered that even competitions with low value prizes attract thousands of entrants, so in order to have a decent chance of winning something, you have to enter a huge number. You could easily spend all of your time entering competitions and still have nothing to show for it, and statistically, that was by far the most likely outcome if you enter the competitions yourself.
So we set to work and several months later, WeWin4u was born. Rather than providing yet another competition listing site, we wanted to offer something new – a low-cost way of entering the competitions for you, for the prizes you actually want. This means you can get away from the computer and do something more interesting instead. We also hate junk mail, so we decided the easiest way to avoid this was to use a new mailbox just for your entries.

Initially we tried the system out on friends and family. They were sceptical to begin with, and then to their surprise, some of them began to win prizes! Our very first prize – a day Aquasphering (rolling down a hill inside a great big plastic ball) – was won by an older friend. “I’m not bloody doing that”, he said, despite our protestations. However, when our short trial finished, he was one of the first to sign up. A good number of these original trialists are still members today, and they’ve encouraged their friends and family to join too.
Now almost all of our new members come from recommendations; we don’t market the site and we don’t do Google Ads, but what we do know how to do is enter competitions for you, quietly, efficiently and with the minimum of fuss.
We also wanted to run a site that treated people fairly; the way we’d like to be treated. We’ll reply to every email you send us, and start entering you for competitions the same day that you join. Of course, we’ve upset a number of professional ‘compers’ who hate automatic competition entry – they want to keep the pool of entrants as small as possible to maximise their own chances – but we’ve delighted many ordinary people like you who took a chance on WeWin4u and won something amazing.
We’ve now been improving WeWin4u for 19 years and have had some fabulous wins for members, none of whom have had to lift a finger to get their prizes let alone spend hours filling in forms. We hope that if you like what we’re doing, you’ll sign up and tell your friends too (and claim a handy bonus on your own membership as well).
You can check your entries 24 hours a day using our ‘My Entries’ page and each month we’ll email you to tell you what we’ve entered on your behalf. We think this is a great service worth paying a small amount for, and for just £2.00 a week, why not give it a try.
Someone has to win these prizes – why shouldn’t it be you?